Tuesday 10 May 2011

Sydney University Rugby Union

Last weekend I went to a rugby union match between University of Sydney and a Northern Sydney team. The game was held at night on oval one on campus. The first thing I noticed was how few people there were. I am used to attending a very small university of 2000 students, so I assumed that a university this large would have an enormous amount of students in attendance.

Although there weren’t as many people at the game as I had expected, the game was really exciting to watch. The more rugby I watch, the more I enjoy and understand the game. I had always thought that rugby was a slower moving game than football, however I realize that it is just the opposite. Each play last much longer than a play in football, and there is very little stopping. Each player is continuously running for almost the entire game. University of Sydney ended up winning the match, which everyone around me seemed to be expecting. I am excited to attend the professional rugby game next weekend to compare university players to professional players.

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