Sunday 22 May 2011

Sydney Half Marathon

Last weekend I attended the Sydney half marathon because several of my friends were competing in the event. We got to the race around 7am and decided to stand by the finish line to see everyone completing the race. There were way more people both watching and competing than I had pictured. I managed to get a really good spot along the fence to watch the competitors finish. It was really inspirational to see the men and woman finish a run this long. I have competed in shorter races before, but I had never seen a half marathon before.

My dad used to run in marathons and triathlons so from a young age I have been hearing about running and what a difficult sport it is. It was exciting to see a running event in a different country, and as I had figured, everything was exactly the same as at home.

My favorite part of the day was seeing the disabled runners compete. There was so much affection and support from the crowd and the other runners when they finished. It made me want to start training to compete in an event like this myself. This was probably my favorite sporting event that I saw my entire time in Australia.

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