Wednesday 20 April 2011

Emirates Doncaster Day

My friends and I dressed up for the races!
The Randwick race course!

Saturday, April 16, I attended the Emirates Doncaster Day races at Randwick. My friends and I looked up pictures online beforehand to see what was the appropriate attire. I had never been to large horse race like this so I did not realize how fancy of an event it was. The races started at 10:30 but we arrived around noon. Everyone was extremely fancy, wearing gorgeous hats, and drinking. Like other sporting events I have seen here, it is directly connected to a drinking and social scene. There were judges walking around picking out the best dressed people. The races were not as lively as i pictured them being because it rained practically the entire time we were there.

I was surprised when I found out how high the prize money was for each of the races. The first race had 2 million dollars of prize money! I know how much money is spent on sports in the United States, but I was under the impression that this much money would exist in Australian sport. Some of my friends made a few bets on the horses but didn't win any money. The races are definitely something I want to try to go see again while I am here. Hopefully the next time I go, it won't be raining and I can get the full experience.

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