Saturday 26 March 2011

Women's Netball

This week I watched Women's Netball on TV.  At first, it seemed a lot like Women's Basketball but with no backboards on the baskets. After I watched for a longer period of time, I noticed that not all players were moving to every area of the court. It seemed as though different players were restricted to different zones. There was also a large pause by the semicircle around the basket before a player would shoot. After watching for some time, I decided to youtube the rules of the game to better understand what I was watching. This is the video I watched:

After watching the video, everything was a lot clearer. It made it very clear to me that it is important to know the rules of a game before watching it on TV or live. Both with netball, and with the cricket games I watched last week, I enjoyed the game a lot more when I knew what I was watching. I am excited to see netball played live later in this course. 

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