Sunday 27 March 2011

Lawn Bowling

This afternoon I joined the Australian Sports class to learn the game of Lawn Bowling. After a confusing trek to the Lawn Bowling courts in the pouring rain we finally made it. Unfortunately we had to sit inside for a while for it to stop raining outside before we could go out and give the sport a try. While we were waiting we were able to catch some rugby on TV. I do not fully understand the game yet but I am excited to go to a game soon! 

After the rain stopped, we broke into teams of 5 or 6, and practiced the lawn bowling roll. I thought it was going to be like Bocce, but it was very different. It was difficult to say the least. I had no idea that the ball was going to be weighted on one side and it took me a bunch of tries to understand how hard and fast I needed to roll the ball. After many rounds of playing different teams, my team managed to be the only team to score 0 points. Although we were unsuccessful, we improved a lot the more we played and had a lot of fun. I definitely want to go back on my own time to play again.

Me right before my first Lawn Bowl.
My Lawn Bowing team! 

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