Sunday 20 March 2011


This past week I attended two cricket matches between different residential colleges on campus. I had heard a lot of things about Cricket like "it's a boring sport," and "it's similar to Baseball, but worse." I really wanted to see for myself what this game was like.

Throughout the first match I watched, I was completely confused. I was watching with other Americans who clearly didn't know what was going on either. I didn't know that the cones along the outside of the field were for, what the three sticks behind the batter were for, and I really didn't understand why the entire hour I was there, the two teams never switched positions.  To be honest, it was hard for me to enjoy a game I didn't understand.

A few days later I decided to go to another match. This time, I went with Australians who explained the rules of the game before we went. With knowledge of the different positions, ways to get out, and other specifics of the game, it was actually quite enjoyable. However, I don't think that I would be able to ever watch an entire game because I was told games have lasted several days before!

I would definitely go back to another game now that I know how the game is played. Overall though, the game seems like it would be more fun to play than it is to watch.

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